Avinash G. Blogs

!! Happy Women's Day!!

2025-03-08 16:00:00
Happy Women's Day, Womens should always be respected. They feed us, protect us when we are children. They pray for our safety as our sisters. They also teach us how to become a responsible person by asking us to protect them on Raakhi Festival. They become our partner in life by marrying us. As our life partner they teach us how to share and care is an important lesson of life. When we have a girl child, she makes us realise how this father daughter relation makes us more protective towards our girl children. Women have proved herself best in everything they do. Every culture in this world respects Women. We the Men know women are physically delicate but very strong mentally. Let's celebrate this day as a respect for all relationships Women share with us and teach us different feelings of life. ๐Ÿ™‚


2025-02-09 17:12:00
Education enlightens people's minds. It creates a base to construct everything a person wants to develop in his/her life. Education allows us to learn different ways to communicate with other people. What is Education? Learning how to read, write and speak language is education.A detailed study of something is education. Education is a process. Gathering knowledge about science and social science is Education. Learning different ways of computation is Education. First knowing about different number systems, then practicing different operations on numbers is Education. Developing different skills is education. Education allows us to do what? Education allows us to express and share our emotions with others. Education helps us to find weather conditions at different places at different times. Education lets us feel and sense different things more accurately. We have calculated the volume of planets of our solar system because of education only. It made our scientists imagination and vision so good that they developed a thinking pattern which let their mind find out impossible and unreachable things very accurately. If Education gives us so much power then why do people within the same class are different. The reason is that it depends on their ability to memorise lessons taught to them, their curiosity, their dedication and their pattern of thinking or understanding things. Education fills up a children's mind with moral values (i.e. respecting elders) and sincerity. It turns your mind into an intellectual mind, it makes you more smart and intelligent๐Ÿ˜‡. Education's importance cannot be ignored and everyone should get educated.

MVC Part - 2

2025-01-30 20:05:00
If we can connect the MVC concept to the world around us, then understanding MVC will be fun. Let's take an example of Car, Car chassis, Car tyre and basic parts will be VIEW , Different parts of car require different properties of MODEL to make a complete body of car. Here when I am saying the complete body of the car, it means the car which we can drive . A VIEW MODEL with different MODEL properties includes FUEL(MODEL) in the tank and AIR(MODEL) in the tyre (View needs Model to complete itself). What is the CONTROLLER of a car? ENGINE and BATTERY are Controller. When we turn the key in the car, the BATTERY controller ignites a spark and moves a motor and passes a message to CAR ENGINE that, "start moving pistons" to move the car. PISTON keeps on moving using spark generated by the battery and FUEL present in the tank. Till the time the car has a fuel in the tank or car is not turned off it will move. This example clearly demonstrates the abstraction of VIEW, importance of MODEL and response of CONTROLLER to move a Car. Now take an example of all living species. All species Body is combination of skeleton (View) and flesh-blood (Model) . There is only one CONTROLLER , Eternal, which takes care of all the bodies in this universe. So whenever some response is expected from our body a request is made by invoking an action and response is generated by Controller. Too many different bodies may invoke the same action at the same time, yet every body gets a different and correct response based on different values of properties of request. Just imagine what kind of availability, Eternal our God or Allah has, that it handles billions of request in a small portion of second and it gives a response to all those request without any error.๐Ÿ™‚


2025-01-21 07:30:00
MVC is an Architecture to create web application. Microsoft .Net technology came with MVC to allow developers to create Web Applications which are lighter and load on browser very quickly. The rest of things like making the UI look much better are supported by Angular and similar kinds of technology. JavaScript and Jquery are the first things which come to mind when someone wants to do client side scripting to achieve asynchronous calls and do some UI things, but Angular comes with lots of features when user wants to do animations. What MVC stands for is "Model View Controller". Here "View" allows you to manage how data or form will look to the user, "Model" defines what data will be presented to the user and "Controller" binds View and Model together to create a page which developer wants to show to user. I want to say whenever a user does any action on the web page of the web application to get a response from Web Application, controller returns a Action Result for users Action. There is one more ActionResult type in MVC called PartialResult. When we want to render only a portion of form and we have created a PartialView in our project, we can bind it with one of property of model or whole model and get a PartialResult type as return type. Suppose there is a table on our page and on every add/update on our page we just want to update table area of page. For this we have to create a "table Partial View" in our View folder and make sure it takes table model data as input. Using ajax call, we can fetch model data and bind it with partial view and return PartialResult and update that table area of our page. This makes sure other areas of the page are not refreshed and request and response is made only for the table area of our page. We can have different Views with the same model or different Views with different models which bind and return ViewResult as ActionResult as an output of Action performed on WebPage. This type of scenario come when we are creating different views for different devices (mobile, desktop/laptop). Let's try to understand this, "MVC Model View Controller" View is Skeleton, Model is Flesh, together they form Body. A body without a soul is nothing, this responsibility is carried by the Controller. Controller provides Action method (ActionResult Or response method) by body, Whenever any ACTION is expected by body Controller makes combination of skeleton and flesh in such a way that it looks like correct response from body. In this QUANTUM world sometimes different ACTION RESULT is expected from the same controller method, because request is made in multiple ways in multidimensional world. In such scenarios based on different properties of request (different factors of multidimensional world) Same ACTION method returns different View (Skeleton) and Model (flesh) combination so that every request invoked at same time by some action on some body gets correct Action Result and that body response in right manner. This looks like an explanation of QUANTUM WORLD.

Happy New Year !!

2024-12-31 10:42:00

This year was a mixed up emotional year for me. It gave me lots of gifts and knowledge to understand different dimensions of life. This 2024 gave me the chance and time to learn from my mistakes... I became more matured, more realistic and most importantly more optimistic. I hope year 2024 gave you people also lots of presents at the beginning of every day to live life to the fullest. So my dear friends here 2025 is coming with 365 presents, Every day it will make you smile for what you have, what you achieved and what you think you can become in your life. Let's embrace all these days by loving the people around you ... Making them and yourself feel special. Let each and every moment work towards creating good memories which you can cherish in free days and old age days, when you are too tired to do anything. I hope we all will be able to complete our list of wishes we set for a year 2025. So friend , We all pray every day please God fulfill this wish of mine, At this arrival of auspicious new year we all should pray "please let all humans of this mother earth live a happy life no mater what Cast, Religion OR Nationality they belong to." HAPPY NEW YEAR !! Celebrate this new year with enthusiasm and move ahead towards our GOAL in our life. I wish this Happy new year brings a shower of wealth, a healthy body and a bright mind for you in your life. ๐Ÿ˜€๐ŸŽ†๐ŸŽ‡๐Ÿซ๐ŸŽ‚

Machine Learning

2024-12-19 20:00:00

Machine Learning, every company wants their own AI which has their domain knowledge and can answer any query about the company, company's product or other things (i.e. company information which can be shared without making any harm to the company). Machine learning from a business perspective is making machines to learn things, using which machine can help us to reduce our effort in doing a set of things. This set can include a large number of activities or a small number of tasks. Why is it in demand nowadays, because it's a part of AI. Because now the basic skeleton required to build AI is easy and requires very less time and it does not require too many resources. Companies are investing in machine learning , so that machines can do things a human intelligence does and sometimes in a better way. Maybe the inventor looks at it as an advanced civilization. I am saying advanced civilization , because advanced AI has answered some questions so precisely that those problems look very simple to us now. But this mission of advanced civilization will lead us where, we will make machines to learn that no mistake should be made by humans and machines will stop us from making mistakes. But this interference by machines will make indiscipline humans life a bad experience. Do we want all people to be same no difference, no stupid things and no humour... I used humour words because we can play a set of jokes by a machine but spontaneous humour by a machine !!! No..... spontaneous humour cannot be generated by machine. I know everyone likes spontaneous people. So humans no need to worry, we will lead to advance civilization by humans only, not by machines. Because if we can make a AI which can give a suggestion about how to advance ourself to future life then same mind can generate idea to reach there without help of machines or any AI.

Brain Storming

2024-12-07 19:44:00

Hi friends, Have you ever thought what brain storming sessions are. It's a conversation between two people who are open for accepting each other's ideas and sharing their ideas with other people. During the session their session creates storms of conversation... Which converted to a cloud of mind map. Now these clouds rain and it cultivates ideas closed inside seeds.. Seeds open and ideas start growing, So ideas grow and both the sides get benefited by these new ideas and start harvesting these ideas and use it for enlightening their brain. ๐Ÿ™‚

Raj Kapoor (Showman)

2024-12-07 19:14:00

The Film Industry's showman, the great Indian Actor /Director/Producer Raj Kapoor. Today is his 100th birth Anniversary ... His movies especially his movie's songs , are full of moral values and patriotism . Actually if you check out all the songs you will find out all kinds of emotions because he did all types of movies. He was one of the finest actors of his era. His vision cannot be matched by any one, He used to make movies which were very advanced compared to the time in which those movies were released. He achieved so much fame that he became the Icon of Indian Cinema, His face was the identity of INDIA in front of the whole world. It's a well known fact that whenever we hear "Kapoor" the first name which comes to our mind is Raj Kapoor or Raj Kapoor Sir's family members. His words "Show must Go On " is a tagline for Indian Cinema. Movies directed by him are learning material for Movie Directors. He gave us too many things to Indian Cinema not only movies, song and dialogue but also patriotism and decency. Hat's off to you sir...... ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ณ๐Ÿ™‚

Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar

2024-12-06 19:20:00

Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar sir, A legend who fought not only for freedom but also for equality of backward class people. He is a symbol of pride for his community and for every indian. At that time, when backward class people were not allowed to get educated, he was determined to achieve high class education and he achieved it. He became well educated to open the door of education for backward class people. Today is his death anniversary. He was sure that only education have divine power to rescue backward class people from the sin of poverty, illiteracy, untouchability and unawareness of their basic rights. In the Constitution he made sure all people will be treated equally irrespective of their class. How many of us today know there was a community who were not allowed to visit temples and drink water from villages common well. In today's India there is nothing that exists . We all respect each other and treat everyone equally because a process has been followed and we believe in our Constitution. I am not from backward class but I respect him. If from every community such people will arise , who think about equality we will never feel ashamed of anything.


2024-12-05 20:16:00

Hi, Thread a well known term for improving the performance of programs or applications OR to use resources in an efficient way. Thread is a small part of the process being carried out to complete the requirement of the program. I have a program which is written to find a ball of a particular color in 240 boxes. To check one box if my machine takes 1 second, it will take 240 seconds to find out the ball if the ball is in the 240th box. Nowadays we have processors with more than one core, so explaining and understanding thread is a bit easy. I can use thread and rewrite my program to find out my ball in 10 seconds if my processor has 24 cores and I have 24 machines attached to my computer system. I just have to write my code in a way that there will be 24 threads, each thread will get a range of 10 boxes to look into using one of those 24 machines. One machine will be managed by one thread and will be able to find out the ball in 10 seconds if the ball is in the 10th box of its range of boxes. This one is a very simple and clean example of thread programming, which can improve performance from 240 seconds ( 4 minutes) to 10 seconds. This example is of the real world with resources or equipment required for finding out balls in boxes. In programming, we can use thread to scan memory spaces or to scan an array of any data type and find out a particular pattern in one of those data in less time than our program takes to find out without thread. Our mind also keeps on spawning lots of thoughts and we try to act on all those thoughts. What if we spawn lots of positive thought threads and no threads for negative thoughts or break the negative thought threads by either exiting it in between or not giving much importance to that negative thought. So friends let's improve our life by spawning more positive thoughts.


2024-11-25 22:38:00

Politics, the mind starts filing all with those leaders who were not loyal to people of india, not faithful to the country, not determined about the growth of the country who just want to become wealthy. If you come from a class of people who love movies then word politics must remind you that dialog "politics is a gutter... If you get inside to clear it then you will become one of them". But there are some good memories also like Mahatma Gandhi, Lal Bahadur Shastri and Sardaar Vallabhbhai Patel. Some freedom fighters like Shivaji Maharaj, Maharana Prataap, Prithvi Raj Chauhan, Bhagat Singh, Sukhdev and Raj Guru. Where political leaders took decisions with patients and made strategic plans for INDIA'S FREEDOM and Growth, freedom fighters fought like brave warriors. Some of them showed both the characteristics. Actually "Politics" is a tool which allows political leaders to take Country INDIA to the next level by continuous growth, where everyone looks at it with respect. Do you know good things about our politicians? They kept political leaders power as it is. No changes in the power of chosen political leaders. We need, Just a heart filled with patriotism, and a sharp, clean, determined mind. A person who can plan good activities, design strategic structures for infrastructure development. A leader who is faithful to citizens of INDIA. Some of the politicians who kept the hope alive are 1) Atal Bihari Vajpayee Sir 2) Late Manohar Parikar Sir ) Manmohan Singh Sir 4) Biju Sir from Odisha (My Colleague told me about him) 5) Narendra Modi Sir 6) Amit Shah Sir and 7) Yogi Adityanath Sir. Do you know the sad reality about the Nayak Movie The Hero commits a crime, kills the bad politicians by making a strategic plan... But he saves the country from lots of criminal activities. It does not matter how Virtous you are Or some leader are... Nobody is perfect. We can just keep ourself on the path of improvisation but can not become perfect. In old times wearing short cloths were not of right trend but now days we all wear short cloths. Definition of perfection changes with time and surroundings.


2024-11-12 08:25:00

"dynamic" with this keyword developers can achieve many functionality with one variable. A Developer doesn't needs to declare different variables for different class objects or primitive data type. We all use variables with type "var" to save output of linq query. "dynamic" keyword is one step ahead of "var", In our program at a particular moment our "dynamic" variable is string and at next moment it's an object of class. Let's take an example of a chess board application in C#. Here we can create an interface with the name "piece" and create a class of type KING, QUEEN, KNIGHT, BISHOP, ROOK, PAWN which will implement the "piece" interface. There will be some common methods which can be declared inside the interface "piece". Now we will declare an 8 x 8 array of type interfaces and this array will hold objects of classes which have implemented the interface "piece".This array allows developers to find any piece on the chess board and execute some common methods using interface array variables, but what if the class has some specific methods like IsCheck Or IsCheckMate method of KING class. One more example is ROOK object's method IsCastlingAllowed. This is limitation of interface. So my dear friends for handling this runtime method execution, we need a "dynamic" 8 x 8 array variable. A few minutes before we were struggling to invoke class specific methods with the interface type but the dynamic keyword saved our life by allowing us to save any type of class value in an 8 x 8 dynamic array. Actually the interface doesn't fit into the chess type of application. Just imagine we can scan an 8 x 8 array to do the things like to find out check or check mate to KING OR QUEEN can play a strategical which is specific to QUEEN class. Suppose there is an application which stimulates the real word conversation of two persons. This can be handled by declaring two dynamic variables. One variable will store MAN type and other will store WOMEN type. In this conversation there voice would be of different type and there point of view would be different. WOMEN will know about cooking, MEN will know about some sport. "dynamic" keyword allows us to handle runtime differences in a better way. Basically I want to say, "dynamic" keyword allows us to make applications which have CHESS like requirement. Sorry "interface" but hail to "dynamic" keyword, when it comes to create chess like application. "dynamic" keyword gives us the feel of its dictionary meaning. we all should be dynamic to make our life vibrant and happening, we should always live a dynamic life. Because, as Einstein's theory of relativity says "we all act as per our surroundings and surroundings react as per our action". Once we understand the "dynamic" keyword of OOPS and the dynamic word of english our understanding will become matured and vibrant. Change is the only thing which is permanent in this WORLD... this matches to "dynamic" keyword.


2024-10-26 19:27:00

Static keyword is a keyword which takes OOPS programming to another level. If a class is static it's object can not be created, then what static keyword is doing in object oriented programming language. Sometimes we want static values to be returned by properties or methods of class. In such scenarios we declare a class as static. Suppose a class is not static but one of it's property is static. This one is interesting, I have multiple objects of this class but all these objects will get the same value when they try to fetch the value of that static property.. All computer students must have heard about semaphore concept. All these objects try to do some operation based on the value of static property, because one resource can be accessed by only one object at a time. So whichever object is using that resource will set that property value that currently I am using this resource. Here static property serves as a flag similar to semaphore concept. Sometimes static things work in this dynamic world in a very useful way. So being dynamic helps you to live a good life in this world, but having a few things static helps you to handle crucial things in this world.


2024-10-11 23:44:00

Hi Friends, Interface, why do we need an interface? There is nothing defined in the interface? Whether properties or methods these are just declared not defined. We can't create an object out of it. But It can hold an object of class. It can also invoke a method, the method which is declared inside it. Because my interface variable has an object of class. It was a plan variable but holding some value not only allows it to invoke methods but also to accomplish some work by invoking those methods. Similarly if you are living a simple plan life you are not doing anything. You should always hold some value and do something worthful to justify the dignity of value you are holding. As soon as you hold some value, you will understand you can't sit idle you have to do something important at regular intervals. "Friendship" is an interface of a role every friend has to implement. "Friend", "Good Friend" and "Best Friend" are classes, which have to implement "Friendship" interface. These classes will define an act of friendship in their own way. In your life if someone loves you, cares about you or respects you that person adds value to you. VALUE is a very important thing, we all strive for it but it comes automatically. Addition of value changes your way to act / think and makes it bold. You start doing simple things at the beginning and after some time your all act become important. Every important work you do, adds more VALUE to you.


2024-09-25 20:55:00

Hello friends, If someone asks you, how will you define yourself in the OOPS world? We will say, we are the same person who goes to the office and does office work, who relaxes at home and sometimes chit chats and does other activities with their friends/other people. I am saying "we are the same person" Because in my opinion, we are Singleton objects, but I think this single statement explanation is very complex. We have a unique soul in our body, we take birth only once and this unique single instance interacts with other soul contained bodies. Some of our properties may be the same, some of our behaviour can be the same, but all objects are different in some manner. We have inherited many characteristics and many ways of doing things from our parents and their ancestors. In this universe we all move as Singleton objects. Only our bodies are Singleton objects, not our soul. When our constructor is invoked the soul gets into our body and we inherit some roles by implementing various interfaces. As we move ahead in our life we get other types of roles, same roles are adopted by other Singleton objects, but every unique object performs these method implementations in a different way.


2024-09-06 21:09:00

Hi Friends, One of my friend once told me you should become jack of all, master of none... that means you will have abstract knowledge about all the things... eventually you will become a abstract person .. In programming abstract class does not have any constructor, A abstract class object can not be initiated... As a abstract person, your constructor will be missing... How you will construct yourself? You should have at least one thing in which you are master and you are very strong... deep your knowledge and stronger you can build yourself. So friends you should be master of one.